
AWS Well-Architected Framework

Design, Refine, Elevate with the
AWS Well-Architected Framework Review

Your Pathway to Cloud Excellence with the AWS Well-Architected Framework Review

We are thrilled to introduce our comprehensive AWS Well-Architected Framework Review service, designed to elevate your cloud infrastructure to unprecedented levels of efficiency, security, and scalability. In an era defined by rapid technological advancement, the foundation of your success lies in a meticulously designed and optimized cloud architecture.

Our AWS Well-Architected Framework Review is not just a service; it’s a journey toward unparalleled cloud excellence. We understand that each organization’s cloud needs are unique, which is why we have tailored our review process to provide personalized solutions that align with your business objectives.

The 6 Pillars of the Well-Architected Framework Review

Operational Excellence

Our review identifies areas where operational processes can be streamlined and automated. By implementing DevOps practices, monitoring tools, and automated scaling, we empower your team to manage and operate your cloud environment with ease, reducing manual intervention and accelerating deployment cycles.

Performance Efficiency

Our Well-Architected Framework Review pinpoints performance bottlenecks, analyzing factors such as load balancing, resource utilization, and application architecture. By optimizing your system’s performance, you can ensure consistently fast response times, smoother user experiences, and enhanced customer satisfaction.


Our Well-Architected Framework Review focuses on improving your infrastructure’s reliability by identifying single points of failure, implementing fault-tolerant architectures, and optimizing disaster recovery strategies. This empowers your systems to withstand unexpected failures and ensures business continuity.


Our review assesses your cloud environment’s security posture, identifying vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and potential attack vectors. We provide actionable recommendations to enhance data encryption, access controls, and compliance with industry standards, ensuring your sensitive data remains protected against evolving cyber threats.

Cost Optimization

Our experts delve deep into your resource usage patterns, identifying areas of over-provisioning and inefficiency. Through right-sizing instances, optimizing storage solutions, and implementing cost-effective pricing models, we help you significantly reduce your cloud expenditure while maintaining peak performance.


By optimizing your cloud infrastructure through our review, we reduce unnecessary resource consumption. This not only leads to cost savings but also minimizes the carbon footprint associated with excessive energy usage, contributing to your organization’s environmental responsibility.

How does an AWS Well-Architected Framework Review work?

Engagement Initiation:
To kick-start your journey towards a more optimized and efficient cloud environment, we require a signed statement of work (SOW) three days before the initial review. This SOW formalizes our engagement and ensures a smooth process.

Engagement Cost:
The cost of the comprehensive Well-Architected Framework Review is $5,000 USD. This fee encompasses every phase of the engagement, including the initial review, tool evaluation, findings and remediation plan, as well as assistance in securing AWS funding.

The payment structure is as follows:

1. Engagement Start: A payment of $2,500 USD is required at the beginning of the engagement.

2. Engagement Completion: Once we’ve completed the review and you’ve reviewed and acted upon the identified remediations (specifically 45% of Critical Items), the remaining $2,500 USD will be collected.

AWS Funding Assistance:

As we close out the engagement, we are committed to supporting you in securing AWS funding for the identified remediations. We’ll guide you through the process of accessing AWS funds to assist with the remaining remediations. This funding is provided in the form of a $5,000 USD AWS credit code, which can be applied to your AWS account. Please note that this credit is contingent upon the completion of a customer satisfaction survey for the project.

1. Assessment Kick-Off:

Our cloud experts initiate the process by comprehensively analyzing your existing architecture, understanding your unique workloads, and identifying pain points.

2. Five Pillar Evaluation:

We evaluate your cloud environment against the five pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework : Operational Excellence, Security, Reliability, Performance Efficiency, and Cost Optimization.

3. Customized Recommendations:

Based on the assessment, we craft personalized recommendations that address your specific challenges and goals. These recommendations are designed to drive immediate and long-term improvements.

4. Strategic Implementation:

Our seasoned professionals work closely with your team to implement the recommended changes. This could involve architectural adjustments, security enhancements, automation, or operational streamlining.

5. Constant Monitoring:

We provide continuous monitoring to ensure the effectiveness of the implemented solutions. Any emerging issues are promptly addressed to maintain the highest level of performance.

1000+ Instances Deployed


Embark on a transformational journey with 24×7 Geeks Solutions Pvt. Ltd and the AWS Well-Architected Framework Review. Revolutionize your cloud architecture to achieve operational excellence, heightened security, and unmatched scalability in today’s digital realm.

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We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meeting 


We prepare a proposal 

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